Friday, October 30, 2015

Right Choice? Right Choice. Right Choice!

My major is in Behavioral Sciences and my minor is in African and African American Studies. Declaring both of these areas came with many questions from people. When I declared my major in Behavioral Sciences, I was an incoming freshman who had to make a decision. I had heard that it was best to go into college with a major even if you had to change it later. So I sat in my mom’s office at work going over the packet of information we had gotten at the freshman orientation. I had the University of Michigan Dearborn class catalog in one hand and major description packets in the other. I was trying to see what “fit” me.

After talking with my mom, she helped me realize that I loved helping people. My name means “helper and defender of mankind”, and that is exactly what I have always done and love to do. I immediately looked at the social sciences and after reading the descriptions, saw that Behavioral Sciences was for me! People asked what I was going to do with the degree and if I thought I would make any real money. I cannot say that over the past 4 years I have not asked myself those same questions. BUT, every single time I find that I am content in knowing that this is what God has called me to do and this is the field that He has placed me in, and….I LOVE IT!!

The College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters is amazing. No matter what your discipline, you can feel the care, concern, love, and empathy of the staff within this college! Whether I was in a class for my major/ minor such as Marriage and Family problems or Black Family in Contemporary America or I was in an elective class such as Spanish I or Women’s Film Studies, I could feel that the professors cared for me and truly wanted to see me succeed in whatever area I was going into.

Declaring my minor in African and African American studies came with a few questions as well. As I always tell people, choosing this minor had nothing to do with me being African American. But it was chosen because I want to help people. People of all colors and creeds. People who need advocates or just someone who they know cares for them. I found it amazing to be able to study a people who have been through so many greatly documented struggles, triumphs, and ongoing battles. Being able to study the poems, novellas, essays, legal documents, and other historical artifacts of great African American citizens (even before they were recognized as such) has allowed me to not only look at African Americans in a new light, but all people in a new light.

No matter the differences, we are all human. Being able to study the struggles, victories, and perseverance of this group will allow me to connect and have greater empathy for any group of people I come into contact with throughout my counseling and therapy career. This is why I studied African and African American studies as well as Behavioral Sciences. I will continue to help people.

The staff, students and faculty at UM Dearborn CASL are the ABSOLUTE best!! The atmosphere is exciting and inviting. Everyone encourages you to do your best and push yourself. Take risks to talk to professors and ask questions-go above and beyond! Professors are understanding of our busy, busy lives, yet also don’t let us use our busyness as excuses, but they work with us to push ourselves to greater heights.

I am extremely grateful to be graduating from CASL within U of M-Dearborn. I am completely grateful and give all credit to God almighty for real. It is only with him that I have been able to do this and continue to grow and mature even more. This is such a complete honor. I always aim to work hard and give God my absolute best in any and everything I am involved in. I try to help and contribute to anyone that I can and gain wisdom from every faculty person that is willing to give it.

I am so happy to be at the University of Michigan-Dearborn and in the Behavioral Sciences Department. I am so completely honored by the Behavioral Science Honor Scholar award. I know that so many of my classmates are phenomenal.

I thank all of the Behavioral Sciences faculty that have poured into me and my education and continue to support me; faculty I have met and ones I have not yet met. This is a GREAT School!

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